Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Shampoo and You

I haven't shampooed my hair in nearly two years.

There.  It's out.  Now you all know my little secret - I'm 'poo free!  That's right, I don't use shampoo or conditioner at all.  Instead, I use baking soda to wash and apple cider vinegar (ACV) to condition and I am sooooo glad I made the switch!  You may think I'm crazy but I assure you, my hair is far softer, more manageable and my scalp is healthier than ever before since I made the switch.

Here's the deal: washing your hair isn't bad for you so much as the chemicals in shampoos are, specifically drying agents like SLS.  These are not just bad for your skin, they're bad for your whole body.  But, hey, they make more suds and are a really cheap filler, right?  Right.  Even most products marketed as 'natural' contain this ingredient and it's probably one of the first or second things on the list.  Anyway, I won't go into too much detail on that because I'm sure my seven readers are more than capable of researching the topic if they so choose but what I will tell you about is how to transition to 'poo free and get hair as awesome as mine.

To wash your hair, take about 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a container and mix it with about a cup of water.  Stir it up with your fingers (I do this right in the shower, myself) so the baking soda doesn't just sit at the bottom and then pour it all over your head.  Firmly massage your scalp for 1-2 minutes.  You should feel the baking soda while you're doing this.  Don't be shy to add more or to do a double wash if you don't feel clean enough.  I would like to point out that the goal here is to clean your scalp, not your hair, so don't worry about the lengths during this part of the process.  Clean scalp = clean hair but clean hair does not = clean scalp.  Rinse well and repeat if necessary.  Your hair should feel like it's been washed.  Mine actually squeaks a little as I rinse it, just like with shampoo.

My hair, right after a wash.

To condition and re-balance your hair, take about 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice in a container (same one is fine) and mix it with about a cup of water.  Pour over the lengths of your hair and gently rub/squeeze it into the lengths.  Now, here is where some people differ in opinion.  Some people don't use the ACV at all while others think it's important to rebalance the pH of the hair and scalp.  Some people use straight ACV while others think it's a waste of money to use that much when a dilution is fine.  Some people leave the ACV solution on without rinsing while others rinse it out.  Some people avoid their scalp (ACV can be a little bit irritating to very sensitive skin, for example) while others just dump it on willy nilly.  I fall into the latter group on all these points.  I find my hair feels better and is more manageable when I use the ACV, I like it diluted, I rinse and I don't worry about getting it on my scalp (disclaimer: I have pretty short hair so it's nearly impossible not to get it on my scalp).

A lot of people jump at the idea to go 'poo free and I commend them but many of those same people give up quickly because they're not ready for the adjustment period.  Now, likely since birth, you've been cleaning your scalp with harsh chemical shampoos and doing it far too often, as well (think more than once or twice a week).  That harsh chemical shampoo has been sucking every last drop of healthy oil off your scalp every time you use it, for years.  Because of that, your scalp has been waaaaay overproducing oils to compensate for being dried out so often (I shudder to think about people who shampoo daily).  For most people, it will take a while for their scalp to bring its over production back to normal levels and this is what I call the adjustment period.  During this period, lasting from 0-8 weeks (most people say 2-3 weeks on average) your hair will feel greasy, it will be limp and luster-less, it will be hard to manage and you won't have much body.  I know, I know, very convincing, right?  But I promise, if you stick it out and don't get drawn back into the shampoo downward spiral, it will be worth every bandanna, pony tail and hat day you have to have.  Seriously.  It will be.

Once you go 'poo free, your hair will be healthier, softer, shinier, more manageable and sexier (yup, sexier, 9 out of ten 'poo free-ers agree).  Now, I hear some of you out there saying things like, "But *I* have really oily hair." or, "But *I* have curly hair." or, "But *I* have dandruff and need special shampoo." and the like.  I swear to you, YOU people are the ones who are most in need of going 'poo free!  Shampoo is doing that to your hair and scalp, not the lack of shampoo.  Just give it a try and I swear, you'll love it and never want to go back.  What have you got to lose, save for reputation and dignity, walking around with greasy hair for a few weeks?

You can still colour your hair, as well as blow dry and heat style.  In fact, colour seems to last a lot longer using this method.  You can still use styling products, though you'll likely have to double wash, depending on what you use.  Baking soda is actually recommended by a lot of stylists for getting rid of product build-up.  If you love scent in your hair products, add a drop or two of essential oils to your rinse! 

One more thing: I often get asked about things like frequency of washing and what to do about the hair dresser.  I do a 'no poo wash 2-3 times a week and that works for me.  Others only do it once a week and still others do it every second day or more.  The great thing about this is that you're really just cleaning the dirt off your scalp and hair and absorbing excess oil (not all oil) so you can do it as often as you feel comfortable with.  As for the hair dresser, you can either bring your own little container of baking soda for them to wash with or wash at home before you go.  

Happy washing!  

PS: I want to hear about your experiences if you decide to take the plunge!


  1. I've been poo-free for almost 2months and AMAZING! I was a nay-sayer with greasy hair but no more!

    I coloured my hair at the salon about a month in and the shampoo there plus the dying didn't really have any set backs for me. Plus which would have faded to a shade of iced tea by now, are just as vibrant as the day I got it done...which is a never before occurance.

    I am an ACV rinser and add a drop of EO (lavender at the moment) to the final rinse!
    Oh and I am also a pretty heavy user or "product" but still everything is cool :)

  2. Lol at 'my seven readers'. :-)

    I am still in the curious stage on this one. Love hearing about it, love that it is working so well for so many, but my hair... Oh, my hair. Hairdressers never know what to do with it, and it has taken me so long to get it to behave how I like. I am super afraid to mess with a routine that is working.

    Waiting to me someone with curly longish hair that swears by 'poo free. Maybe that will make a believer out of me, yet.

    1. I have long curly hair and am now one week poo free (I feel like I am at an AA meeting)and my hair has responded really well, if anything the curls are more under control!!

  3. ooooo, this has been on my radar for ages... i have this scalp that ALWAYS has build up (dandruff i think?), and i HATE dandruff shampoo. i only wash my hair twice a week anyway, with "healthier" shampoo, but i'm not hardcore. i'm VERY scent oriented, so the acv thing i mightn't be able to handle. i looooove smelly shampoos, but natural smelling, not fake, perfume-y. (my all-time fave was a mint paul mitchell one, but that stuff breaks the bank man, at like $20 a pop.) i MAY try this out... ;) thanks amy!

  4. stumbled on your blog (actually, I saw it on Dinnae's facebook) and have been working up the guts to go 'poo free (it really IS that darned adjustment period that's freakin' me out)...
    My stylist is on board 100%, and she recommended that if you aren't into the smell of ACV, you can use lemon juice to the same effect! Either a real live lemon squeezed and rubbed on your ends in the shower, or the kind from a bottle. Peppermint EO is supposed to be heavenly as well.
    Dinnae, maybe we can have our own, tiny 'poo-free support group?

  5. Lisa, you'll have to talk to Jo from the WAMF group! She has hair very much like yours except on top of it, she's freckled and auburn! She loves 'poo free!

  6. I'm going to comment just to prove you have more than seven readers. :-) Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  7. I'd love you hear more about what is actually in shampoo, if you feel like writing it up. :) Even just links would be great, too.

    1. There's a link in the post up there if you click on the word 'SLS' at the beginning of the second paragraph. The page that link brings you to has a bunch more links and information.

  8. I've rarely ever used hair products in my life and I have some of the healthiest hair of anyone I know. I always get compliments on how soft it is. :}

  9. I tried going poo-free for 2 months, and caved and went back to my precious lathery strawberry shampoo. :( Really, the reason I went back was b/c I got a gross buildup somehow. Maybe from too much baking soda, or from some DIY dry shampoos I tried. Idk but it got GROSS, I was sick, and I couldn't stand it anymore. I LOVED the way the baking soda & vinegar worked the first few times, though. Maaaaybe I'll give it one more shot, though. Since returning to shampoo, my scalp is dandruffy, flaky, dry, itchy, definitely not healthy. And the essential oil for fragrance is a good idea. Cuz who doesn't love coconutty smelling hair?

    1. I read somewhere that a once in a while "hair mask" of 2parts lemon, 2 parts olive oil, 2 parts water will take any flaky buildup right out.

    2. you might find this helpful, i have the build up too, but thats a good sign its your head detoxifying and getting rid of years of chemicals! I am using dr bronners with a vinegar rinse and after 5 washes the build up is coming out really nicely, but it seems to really need the double wash...i started with baking soda and vinegar for about a month and couldn't handle how heavy and greasy i was so switched to castille soap and then will wean off this i think after my head is totally detoxed http://healing-scents.com/hair_tips.html

  10. I finished my last bottle of shampoo 2 days ago and I'm ready to do this. I have a question for you.
    I have a hard time not getting my hair wet in the shower, do you think I could wash my hair X amount of times and just use water the other days? Have you tried this? If I don't get my hair wet I don't feel clean!

    1. Feel free to rinse your hair with clean water as often as you like! It's never been a problem for me :) I guess if you have really hard water or something it could affect you but otherwise, go for it!

    2. Great, will do!

      From your anonymous reader who is coming to pick up kefir grains later on :D

  11. I'm thinking of trying this! I need to pick up some ACV though. And maybe some oils.

  12. I took the plunge, Amy!! Today is day 8 of poo-free! Thank you for the tips :-)

  13. Thanks for sending me here, it is so nice to hear some success stories with the no poo method! i tried the baking soda and ACV for about a month and my hair was disgusting..i feel much better doing the dr bronners with vinegar rinse but it doesn't squeak clean like with the Baking soda...maybe after i go through the detox phase i can go back to baking soda, what do you think??? Do you have an opinion on washing with Dr Bronners?

    1. I have no experience with Dr. Bronner's products, unfortunately. I do know that it can take a long time for your scalp to adjust its oil production (I have short hair and it took about 8 weeks for my scalp to adjust) and for your body to detoxify the chemicals contained in your hair and scalp from years and years of chemical use.

      My personal thoughts are to just stick it out without changing anything and give it some time to work itself out. That's what I did and I'm glad I didn't switch it up, even though I felt really greasy and gross during those eight weeks when my hair transitioned and often doubted the process.

    2. ok, great thanks, i will stick with it, its been about 6 weeks and HUGE noticeable difference now so i think i am getting closer to being there, my hair feels nice now so i don't feel so gross going out even though it still looks greasy!

  14. Hey! I just stumbled upon a link to this by scrolling down the FB water kefir group page! I tried the baking soda and acv cleaning routine and I'm currently using up the last of my regular shampoo/conditioner because I just can't throw it out! It does take a bit of getting used to but it has gotten to the point where I really question all the chemicals that I'm subjecting my body to and going 'poo free is a relatively easy switch. I'm a convert!

    And I love the abbreviated term 'poo!

  15. Also...for anyone who has dandruff, a few drops of tea tree oil in with the baking soda solution should take care of that. I am back on 'poo-free again. Last time, I washed with only water, for about the first 2-3 weeks I think. Idk why I thought that's what you were supposed to do, but I didn't wash with soda & acv til I just couldn't take it anymore! This time, I researched more first, and washed with soda & acv after 3 or 4 days. I only had an "adjustment period" of about a week this time, because I'd been shampooing my hair less frequently for quite a while. Idk how long I've been 'poo-free this time, but it's been weeks, and I'm PROBLEM-FREE. The build-up happened last time because I waited too long to wash, and used WAY too much dry shampoo in between. The biggest culprit was the cocoa someone advised me to use. Mix cocoa w/ground oats, for people with dark hair. Yuck! It immediately stuck to my scalp & became itchy. SO! That's my story. I now have MUCH less greasy hair, a much healthier scalp & hair, and only wash about twice a week. I shower more than that, lol. But if my hair doesn't need to be washed, I just wash with water. I would still like to try some essential oils for fragrance. Maybe some Moroccan Oil, too. Mmm.


Keep it clean, guys.