Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Losing My Touch

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!  Something really horrible has happened!  I told a client I could finish something for them by week's end and when I went to open it tonight to work on it, the whole file was just empty.  Gone.  Nothing in there.  The job is for a new foundation for a house that's being moved.  It was all site measurements.  They want their drawings right away and now I'll have to go out to Selkirk and do them again.  I AM SO MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yuck. Sending some hate to computers that eat work.

  2. Thank you. My computer is feeling your hatred.

  3. And now you have a new computer. Hooray! So, when is that next blog post coming? ;-)

  4. I know, I know... I've been neglecting this blog horribly lately. It just seems I don't have the time - or, more correctly, when I feel like writing it's never a good time to write and when it's a good time to write I'm uninspired. *sigh* I'll get back on it soon, I promise! :)


Keep it clean, guys.